Film director Stanley Kubrick announced "2001 Space Journey" in 1968. I imagined the near future 33 years later. In 2019, 50 years have passed since the birth of Kubrick's movie. What is the situation in the world of 2052 33 years from now? This program is already in the near future in 2001. Already nearly 20 years ago. Aiming to promote the development and dissemination of art culture in Japan,
this is a collaborative project with three art universities in Aichi Prefecture (Aichi Prefectural University of Arts, Nagoya University of Arts, Nagoya Zokei University). Participants selected by graduates and open recruitment will take a short-term intensive workshop during the Aichi Triennale 2019 to create a pavilion that will create the future city and living space in 33 years The pavilion, created through lectures and collaborative productions by instructors, will be released as a public exhibition later in the Aichi Triennale.